Marine Engineering Specialists -- Bentley Systems has acquired Ultramarine's MOSES Software [ Press Release ]
Frequency Domain Tests with Connectors


This test involves a frequency domain analysis of two barges pinned together.


This is an example of a simulation and stress analysis of a moored structure containing only Morison elements in the frequency domain.


This test simulates a jacket in an upend position, attached to a barge with upending slings. Variation in the hookload and sling tensions due to waves is calculated in the frequency domain.


This is a frequency domain simulation of two bodies connected via launch connectors.


This is a test of three bodies connected together, with a structural analysis performed on the middle body only.


This test is similar to LAUCON except that instead of modeling the system as two connected bodies, they are combined into a single body.


This test hangs a pipe from a boom tip, and calculates the variation in sling load due to waves.


This tests checks the operation of pulley connectors composed of taught lines in the frequency domain.


This test of the dynamic tug connector.


This test is similar to LAUCON, except that here, the two bodies are pinned together.