Most of the vessels you can use have an option to use either strip theory or 3d diffraction when computing sea pressures. By default, strip theory will be used. If, however, you put the command:
&set diftype = 3ddifbefore you "insert" the model, then 3d diffraction will be used.
By default no wind or drag attractors are included in these models. You can, however, add them by using the variables V_CUR or V_WIN. If V_CUR exists, then the option
-CS_CURR .2*%V_CUR %V_CUR %V_CURwill be added to the piece definition. Likewise if V_WIN exists, then the option
-CS_WIND %V_WIN %V_WIN %V_WINwill be added to the piece definition.
Please feel free to use these models as you see fit. We make no claims as to the accuracy of them, and provide these for the general benefit of everyone. We solicit your comments and contributions to this library.
To use one of the true models in this library, you simply include the command:
USE_VES "NAME"in your data. Here, NAME is the name of the file containing the vessel model. This command will automatically load the model and in many cases this is your entire root.dat file.
Select one of the following to see what is available.
Here is a list of some marine operators:
- Heerema
- Dockwise
- NMA Maritime and Offshore contractors
- J. Ray McDermott
- Torch Inc.
- Technip / Global Industries
- Jumbo
- Saipem
- Boa Barges
- Anchor Marine Transportation Limited
- Crowley
- Seaspan
Adding Models:
The vessel library system is structured so that you can add your own models to it. To do so, however, you need to follow a few rules. Once you have prepared a model you should store it in the directory pgmpat/data/local, where pgmpat is the path to the directory where the Ultramarine software is stored. Models in our library have more structure than a typical MOSES model. By doing so, we can use them with the automated tanker analysis and jacket installation macros.
One thing to remember here is that you are building a model which may be used in many different contexts. You will be setting variables which will be used later, so that you cannot simply set them in any set of units you wish. The top of each of our models contains the lines:
&if &info(bl) .ne. 'feet' &then &set bigl = &number(real 1./3.28) &set litl = 25.4 &else &set bigl = 1. &set litl = 1. &endif &dimen -save -dimen feet kips &model_def -saveThe purpose of these commands is to set the variables bigl and litl. These server as conversion factors between the "user selected" units and those which you will use. The last line instructs MOSES to "save" the user selected units and to set feet and kips as the units which will be used to define the model. If you are going to define the model in SI units, your definition should be:
&if &info(bl) .ne. 'meters' &then &set bigl = &number(real 3.28) &set litl = &number(real 1./25.4) &else &set bigl = 1. &set litl = 1. &endif &dimen -save -dimen meters m-tons &model_def -saveThe last commands in your model should be
&dimen -remember &model_def -rememberwhich switches the units and defaults back to what they were at the beginning.
The next part of the model is to set some basic variables that other tools will use:
&set vname = VNAME &set ves_type = barge &set lwa_ok = .false. &set cmp_ok = .false. &set flex_ok = .false. &set v_npref = *b@ &set vdepth = &number(real %bigl%*DD) &set vbeam = &number(real %bigl%*BB) &set vlength = &number(real %bigl%*LLL)The first of these defines a name for the vessel. The next one defines the type of vessel, e.g. barge, tanker, crane, etc. The next three describe the detail of the model you are defining. The variable lwa_ok is set to .true. if you will define launch ways, otherwise, it is set to .false. The variable cmp_ok is set to .true. if you will define a compartmentation model, otherwise set it to .false. The variable flex_ok is set to .true. if you will provide a structural model of the vessel, otherwise it is set to .false. The variable v_npref defined the prefix for all nodes in the structural model. You should define at least one point with this prefix even if you have no structural model.
The last three variables vdepth, vbeam, and vlength define the length, beam, and depth of the vessel in "user selected" units.
Light Ship Weight and Hydrostatics:
Next you should define the lightship weight of the vessel with a command:
#WEIGHT LSHP *pt 0.32*BB 0.29*LLL 0.29*LLL -cat l_shipThen you can define a "normal" MOSES model for the exterior and perhaps compartments. As stated above, there must be one point defined, but there is no limit to the structural model you may define.
Launch Ways:
If, and only if, you are defining a launch barge, you need to define the geometry of the launch ways. These are defined by the variables:
&set BLWAY = &number(real %bigl%*0) &set TPRIHEI = &number(real %bigl%*8) &set TSECHEI = &number(real %bigl%*0) &set TSDIST = &number(real %bigl%*0) &set XTPIN = &number(real %bigl%*332) &set TBLENp = &number(real %bigl%*50) &set TBLENs = &number(real %bigl%*50) &set DEPSKD = &number(real %litl%*48) &set HEISKD = &number(real %bigl%*(20+48/12)) &set maxasubm = &number(real %bigl%*31) &set blwn_p = &set blwn_s =Here,
- blway defines the beginning of launch way,
- tprihei defines the tilt beam depth at pin,
- tsechei defines the secondary tilt beam depth,
- tsdist defines the distance from primary pin to secondary one,
- xtpin defines the distance from bow to the primary tilt pin,
- tblenp defines the length of the primary tilt beam,
- tblens defines the length of the secondary tilt beam,
- depskd defines the depth of skid beam (in inches or mm),
- heiskd defines the height of top of skid above the keel,
- maxasubm defines the maximum allowable keel submergence.
- blwn_p and blwn_s define selectors for the nodes which connect to the port and starboard launch ways

&describe load launch &dimen -save -dimen feet kips &apply -percent launch 0 *PT X Y Z #amass *PT DISP 0.06 0.10 3.50 .32*BEAM .29*LENG .29*LENG #drag *PT DISP .01 0.2 1.7 3 1.7*LENG/3.46 .2*LENG/3.46 &describe load %vname &dimen -remThese are used for added mass and damping of the barge during a launch. Here, the number DISP is the nominal displacement of the barge at the beginning of the launch, L is the length of the barge, and X, Y, and Z are the coordinates of the CB. You can click here to look at a copy of the sample. Use "save as" to save a copy.