WELCOME TO MOSES Rev devlop ============================ This Program is licensed for the exclusive use of Ultramarine inc. Copying of this program or use by anyone other than an employee of the above firm without written consent of Ultramarine is strictly prohibited. +++ M A I N +++ =============== >&dimen -dimen feet kips >inmodel Time To perform Inmodel : CP= 0.09 >&instate -con 1.61 0 0 >&weight -compute >&status +++ B U O Y A N C Y A N D W E I G H T F O R R E C T +++ =============================================================== Process is DEFAULT: Units Are Degrees, Feet, and Kips Unless Specified Results Are Reported In Body System Draft = 1.61 Roll Angle = 0.00 Pitch Angle = 0.00 Wet Radii Of Gyration About CG K-X = 49.12 K-Y = 49.12 K-Z = 69.38 GMT = 1144.40 GML = 1144.40 /-- Center of Gravity ---/ Sounding % Full Name Weight ---X--- ---Y--- ---Z--- -------- -------- ---------------- Part RECT ------------ ELEMENTS 1017.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 LOAD_GRO 1801.46 0.00 0.00 1.11 ======== ======== ======= ======= ======= Total 2819.16 0.00 0.00 0.71 Buoyancy 2819.16 -0.00 0.00 -1.28 >medit +++ M O D E L E D I T I N G +++ ================================= >~wire b_cat 4.19 -dep 500 -len 4000 -buoy 0 -wtpl .008 >connector bs ~wire *bs -anc 135 20 >connector bp ~wire *bp -anc -135 20 >connector sp ~wire *sp -anc -45 20 >connector ss ~wire *ss -anc 45 20 >end +++ M A I N +++ =============== >&connector @ -a_tension 300 Moving Attachment of Connector BP ================================= Moving Attachment of Connector BS ================================= Moving Attachment of Connector SP ================================= Moving Attachment of Connector SS ================================= >&status g_connector -hard >&status cl_flex -hard >&equi +++ C U R R E N T S Y S T E M C O N F I G U R A T I O N +++ =============================================================== Process is DEFAULT: Units Are Degrees, Feet, and Kips Unless Specified Location and Net Force at Body Origin Body X Y Z RX RY RZ -------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- RECT Location 0.00 0.00 -2.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 N Force 0.00 0.00 -3.58 0 0 0 Equilibrium Converged in 2 Iterations >&status config +++ C U R R E N T S Y S T E M C O N F I G U R A T I O N +++ =============================================================== Process is DEFAULT: Units Are Degrees, Feet, and Kips Unless Specified Location and Net Force at Body Origin Body X Y Z RX RY RZ -------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- RECT Location 0.00 0.00 -2.04 0.00 0.00 0.00 N Force 0.00 0.00 -3.58 0 0 0 >&status f_connector +++ C O N N E C T O R F O R C E S +++ ======================================= Process is DEFAULT: Units Are Degrees, Feet, and Kips Unless Specified Forces in Body System at Attachment - Magnitude is Sqrt( X**2 + Y**2 + Z**2 ) Conn. Body FX FY FZ MX MY MZ MAG. -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- BP RECT -207.6 -207.6 -52.0 0 0 0 298 BS RECT -207.6 207.6 -52.0 0 0 0 298 SP RECT 207.6 -207.6 -52.0 0 0 0 298 SS RECT 207.6 207.6 -52.0 0 0 0 298 >&status force +++ F O R C E S A C T I N G O N R E C T +++ ================================================= Process is DEFAULT: Units Are Degrees, Feet, and Kips Unless Specified Results Are Reported In Body System Type of Force X Y Z MX MY MZ ------------------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- Weight 0.00 0.00 -2819.16 0 0 0 Buoyancy -0.00 0.00 3023.68 0 0 0 Inertia -0.00 0.00 1.48 0 0 0 Added Inertia -0.00 0.00 2.11 0 0 0 Flex. Connectors 0.00 0.00 -208.10 0 0 0 ======= ======= ======= ======= ======= ======= Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 >&set perd = 6 >&env sea -sea regular 90 20 6 -time 6 .25 >freq_resp +++ F R E Q U E N C Y R E S P O N S E +++ =========================================== >rao -period 6 -head 90 Time To Compute RAOs : CP= 0.01 >equ_sum >fr_point RAOs Moved to X = 0.0 Y = 0.0 Z = 0.0 =============================================== +++ D I S P O S I T I O N +++ ============================= >report >end +++ F R E Q U E N C Y R E S P O N S E +++ =========================================== >end +++ M A I N +++ =============== >struct +++ S T R U C T U R A L S O L U T I O N +++ ============================================= >lcase -rao Time To Generate Load Cases : CP= 0.00 >lcase -time sea c1 0 c2 .25*6 c3 .5*6 c4 .75*6 Time To Generate Load Cases : CP= 0.02 >ssolve Reducing Stiffness of DEFAULT ============================= Time to Define Model Topology : CP= 0.01 Time to Complete Nodal Loads : CP= 0.00 Time to Define Stiffness Blocks : CP= 0.00 Time to Form Element Matricies : CP= 0.00 Time to Form Global Stiffness Matrix : CP= 0.00 Time to Form Global Load Matrix : CP= 0.00 Time to Factor Stiffness Matrix : CP= 0.00 Expanding Results of DEFAULT ============================ Time For Backward Substitution : CP= 0.00 Time to Store Deflections : CP= 0.00 Time to Store Element Internal Loads : CP= 0.00 >end +++ M A I N +++ =============== >&status s_case -hard >strpost +++ S T R U C T U R A L P O S T - P R O C E S S I N G +++ =========================================================== >cases -delete @ >cases -time sea tpost1 0 tpost2 .25*6 tpost3 .5*6 tpost4 .75*6 >&status combine -hard >joint d -load :load >restraint -detail >end +++ M A I N +++ =============== MOSES Finished Normally ========================= CP Time 0.20 ======================== Total Units 0.20 ========================