WELCOME TO MOSES Rev devlop ============================ This Program is licensed for the exclusive use of Ultramarine inc. Copying of this program or use by anyone other than an employee of the above firm without written consent of Ultramarine is strictly prohibited. +++ M A I N +++ =============== >&dimen -dimen feet kips >inmodel Time To perform Inmodel : CP= 0.08 >&instate bar1 -loca 0 0 -9 bar2 -loca 400 0 -9 >medit +++ M O D E L E D I T I N G +++ ================================= >~pin gspr x 1e5 y 1e5 z 1e5 >connector ~pin *b1_3 *b2_0 >connector ~pin *b1_mla *b2_mld >connector ~pin *b1_mlb *b2_mlc >~wire b_cat 4.19 -dep 500 -len 4000 -buoy 0 -wtpl .008 >connector b1_c ~wire *b1_mlc -anc -135 20 >connector b1_d ~wire *b1_mld -anc 135 20 >connector b2_a ~wire *b2_mla -anc 45 20 >connector b2_b ~wire *b2_mlb -anc -45 20 >end +++ M A I N +++ =============== >&connector b@ -a_tension 300 Moving Attachment of Connector B1_C =================================== Moving Attachment of Connector B1_D =================================== Moving Attachment of Connector B2_A =================================== Moving Attachment of Connector B2_B =================================== >hydro +++ H Y D R O _ D Y N A M I C S +++ =================================== >g_press bar1 -period 8 -heading 90 135 180 Setting Pressure Name for BAR1 to BAR1 ====================================== Time for Strip Theory For BAR1 : CP= 0.00 Setting Drift Name for BAR1 to BAR1 =================================== Time to Sum Pressures For 60 Panels on BAR1 : CP= 0.01 Time To Set Up Convolution For NONE : CP= 0.00 >g_press bar2 -period 8 -heading 90 135 180 Setting Pressure Name for BAR2 to BAR2 ====================================== Time for Strip Theory For BAR2 : CP= 0.00 Setting Drift Name for BAR2 to BAR2 =================================== Time to Sum Pressures For 60 Panels on BAR2 : CP= 0.00 Time To Set Up Convolution For BAR2 : CP= 0.00 >e_total bar1 >e_total bar2 >end +++ M A I N +++ =============== >freq_resp +++ F R E Q U E N C Y R E S P O N S E +++ =========================================== >rao Time To Compute RAOs : CP= 0.01 >&describe body bar1 >fr_point 400 RAOs Moved to X = 400.0 Y = 0.0 Z = 0.0 =============================================== +++ D I S P O S I T I O N +++ ============================= >rep >end +++ F R E Q U E N C Y R E S P O N S E +++ =========================================== >equ_sum >&describe body bar2 >fr_point RAOs Moved to X = 0.0 Y = 0.0 Z = 0.0 =============================================== +++ D I S P O S I T I O N +++ ============================= >rep >end +++ F R E Q U E N C Y R E S P O N S E +++ =========================================== >equ_sum >end +++ M A I N +++ =============== MOSES Finished Normally ========================= CP Time 0.19 ======================== Total Units 0.19 ========================