- General Changes
- Supported Machines
- Report Control Changes
- New Reports
- Connector Changes
- Roll Damping Changes
- Piece Changes
- Time Synthesis Changes
- Defaults and Paramaters
- What No Longer Works
- What Answers Will Change
General Changes:
- The report given with the PLATE STRESS command in the structural post-processing menu has been changes to also report the principle stresses and the angle of S1 from the element X axis.
- A new plate summary report, VERTEX, has been added to the PLATE_SUM command and the format of the PROPERTIES report has been changed. Click here to see the documentation or here to see an example.
- A new POINT summary report, N_COINCIDENT, has been added to the POINT_SUM command. Click here to see the documentation or here to see an example.
- You can get information about several new things with the &ELEMENT string function. Click here to see the documentation.
- One can now have three reference points when defining a point. Click here to see the documentation.
- In the past, there was a maximum on the number of items that could be selected for the VIEW and STATISTICS commands. These restrictions have been removed. Also, the reports generated with these commands "look better" and also contain most of the description.
- One can now define a limits on the percentage full of a compartment. When the percentage is outside this range, no free surface correction will be applied. Click here to see the documentation.
- One can now define the deviation of the wind from the mean and use it in a time domain simulation. Click here to see the documentation or here to see an example.
- The options -WAVE_RUNUP, -PERI_USE, and -FACT_CONV have been removed from the G_PRESSURE and A_PRESSURE commands in the Hydrodynamics Menu and added to the &DESCRIBE BODY command and the option -TPRE_FACT has been removed from the documentation. Click here to see the documentation. Also, a new value &STATUS BODY has been added to report the "body settings". Click here to see the documentation.
- One can now look at deflection and ratios during an animation. Click here to see the documentation. Here to see an example. here to look at a deflection "movie". here to look at a ratio "movie".
- One can now change the places which will be searched when either USE_VES or USE_MAC is specified. Click here to see the documentation.
- The concept of "functions" has been around since the beginning of MOSES, but was never documented. Since they are used extensively in the macros that we supply, we finally documented them. Click here to see the documentation.
- A new option, -CDR_VONMISES has been added to the PLATE_POST command that controls whether the Von Mises stress or the principle stresses are used in computing the CDRs for a plate. Click here to see the documentation.
The stability macros, stab_ok and kg_allow have been
changed to make more checks and to only display
checks where criteria have been specified. Also,
the -EQUI option has been remove and -NO_EQUI has
been added.
Click here to see the documentation.
Supported Machines:
With this release we no longer support neither HPUX nor Linux on Alpha. We have added support for three new systems. We now support
- WINDOWS running on AMD/Intel X86
- LINUX running on AMD/Intel X86
- LINUX running on AMD/Intel X86_64
- SOLARIS running on SPARC
- SOLARIS running on AMD/Intel X86_64
- MAC OS X running on PowerPC
- MAC OS X running on Intel X86
Report Control Changes:
- A new option, -MAG_DEFINE, has been added to the POINTS and CONFORCE commands in the PRCPOST menu, This gives the user the ability to define how the "magnitude" column on the reports is computed from the basic information. Click here or here to see the documentation or here to see an example.
- A new internal menu, &TABLE, has been created. This allows one to build "good looking" HTML tables directly in MOSES. Click here to see the documentation or here to see an example.
- The reporting in the Disposition Menu has been changed. Two new option -MAG_USE and -BOTH have been added and the -HEADING option can now be used on more commands. Finally, the STORE command has options that allow one to produce "good looking" HTML tables. Click here to see the documentation or here to see an example.
- Three new options, -CONT_ENTRY, -SET_DATE and -NAME_FIGURE, have been added to the &DEVICE command. Click here to see the documentation.
The documentation for the REL_MOTION command has been
changed to correctly show that one can have more than
two relative motion points.
Click here to see the documentation.
Click here to see the documentation.
New Reports:
- A report on the relative wave/point velocity has been added to the POINTS command in the Process Post-Processing Menu. Click here to see the documentation or here to see an example.
- A new group of things for which one can get &NAMES is NG_S_CASES (Non Converged Structural Solution Cases). Also, one can now issue &STATUS NAMES, to get not only a list of groups but a brief description of them. Click here, here, or here to see the documentation.
- A new summary, RESTRAINT_SUM, has been added. Click here to see the documentation.
A new summary, PROPERTIES. has been added to then COMPART_SUM
Click here to see the documentation.
Roll Damping Changes:
A new option, -ROLL_DAMPING, has been added to the &DESCRIBE PIECE command. This option defines a quadratic roll damping coefficient. Click here to see the documentation.
The "Tanaka Damping" has been totally changed. In the past it was defined in the Hydrodynamics Menu. Today it is either an attribute of a piece or a load group.
- The commands A_TANAKA, V_TANAKA, G_TANAKA, E_TANAKA, and I_TANAKA are no longer valid commands in the Hydrodynamics Menu.
- The -FM_TANAKA and -TM_TANAKA are not honored on either the &PARAMETER, A_PRESSURE, or G_PRESSURE. They have been replaced with -TANAKA on either the &DESCRIBE PIECE command, or &DEFAULT. Click here to see the documentation.
- A new command #TANAKA has been created which allows one to create a load group which computes Tanaka damping. Click here to see the documentation.
Finally, if you try to import an old hydrodynamic database,
you will get a lot of errors because you can no longer
import the Tanaka data. You can fix this by changing
the old command:
I_TANAKA LBARGE COW -PERIOD 25 20 19 18 17 16 15 14.5 14 13.5 13 12.5 12 11.5 \ 11 10.5 10 9.5 9 8.5 8 7.5 7 6.5 6 5.5 5 4.5 4 3 \ -ANGLE 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 \ -FM_TANAKA 1 -TM_TANAKA 8
to#TANAKA -PERIOD 25 20 19 18 17 16 15 14.5 14 13.5 13 12.5 12 11.5 \ 11 10.5 10 9.5 9 8.5 8 7.5 7 6.5 6 5.5 5 4.5 4 3 \ -ANGLE 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Connector Changes:
- The -DAMPING option for flexible connector classes is now obsolete and has been dropped from the documentation. It has been replaced with three options -X_DAMPING, -Y_DAMPING, and -Z_DAMPING. With these options one can now define a nonlinear dashpot and for GSPR type connectors you can define a different one for each translational degree of freedom. Click here to see the documentation.
- GSPR, LMU, and FOUNDATION connectors can now have "PY" curves defined for all three translational degrees of freedom. The old option -CONEPY has been replaced with three new ones: -X_PY, -Y_PY, and -Z_PY. The old option has been removed from the documentation but still works. Click here to see the documentation or here to see an example.
- The -FRICTION option for has changed for GSPR and FOUNDATION classes. If one has lateral springs defined, then it behaves as before, but without springs it ask opposite the relative, horizontal velocity. Click here to see the documentation.
A new option, -PISTON, has been added to most flexible
element classes. This models a hydraulic piston which
can be used to limit the tension.
Click here to see the documentation, and
here to see an example.
Pieces Changes:
The &DESCRIBE PIECE command has acquired some new attributes:
- The option -DD_MULT defines a table of draft / water depth multipliers. If one uses this option, then the effects of shallow water on current force is automatically accounted for. Click here to see the documentation.
- The option -TANAKA can be specified to define a multiplier for the Tanaka damping. Click here to see the documentation.
The option -AMASS can be used estimate the added mass
for a piece.
Click here to see the documentation.
Time Synthesis Changes:
In the past two commands were available for
viewing a "time synthesis" from frequency response:
TS_POINT and TS_FCARGO. These have been
replaced with a single command FR_2TIME (they
remain for a while, but have been removed from
the manual). With the new command, a true process
is created so that you can enter the Process
menu and use most of the tools available there. Not
only that but you can make a movie of the process.
Click here to see the documentation or
here to see an example.
Defaults and Parameters:
The setting of defaults and parameters has changed.
Our old friend &MODEL_DEFAULT has been removed
from the documentation and replaced with &DEFAULT.
Also, all of the options which "set defaults" have
been moved form &PARAMETER to &DEFAULT. For the
time being, almost all of your old files will still
work, but you should begin changing them. However,
the data is now stored in a different place so
&PARAMETER -SAVE will not save things that are now
Click here to see the documentation.
What No Longer Works:
- Two inactive options on the &REP_SEL command: -AISC and -LRFD have been deleted.
- The values for MIN_EVENT and MAX_EVENT have been removed from the -MOVIE option of &PICTURE. Click here to see the documentation.
- One can no longer do graphics to the screen when MOSES is not interactive. This has never worked correctly, but now it is impossible.
The column definitions in the Disposition Menu
for the POINTS command have changed due to
the change described above. Any macros that
you may have written that extract information
from the POINTS command will have to be changed.
What Answers Will Change:
- The computation of the added mass for a #PLATE has been changed. It is now computed according to DNV Classification Notes 30.5. As a result, the -AMCPLATE option of &PARAMETER is now ignored.
- The results of STAB_OK and KG_ALLOW macros may change. This is due to a change in how "downflooding" was computed. In the past, only the Weather Tight points were considered. Now, the Non Weather Tight ones are used for checking intact cases and both Weather Tight and Non Weather Tight ones are used for damaged cases.
- Due to the changes discussed above, you will not be able to import a hydrodynamic database without changing it as described above.
- The options -FM_TANAKA and -TM_TANAKA are no longer valid.
- The commands A_TANAKA, V_TANAKA, G_TANAKA, E_TANAKA, and I_TANAKA are no longer valid commands in the Hydrodynamics Menu.
- The RAO convergence has been changed and this will slightly change frequency domain results.
- The "effective length" for joint crushing has been changed to correspond to RP2A 21st edition.
The default for the SCF computation for tubular
joints has been changed from K&S to EFTHYMIOU.