Obtaining the Status of the System - Ultramarine.com Obtaining the Status of the System

The &STATUS command can be used to obtain a report on various quantities at the current event. In some menus, the current event is not completely defined until the menu is exited, so &STATUS is not always available. In general, these reports can be divided into ten categories: General Information, System Information, Connector Information, Compartment Information, Compartment Hole Information, Load Group Information, Categories and Load Sets, Element Information, Map Information, and Structural Solution Information. The form of this command is:


Here, REP_TYPE specifies the type of information one wishes to report, and it must be either:

The amount of information obtained is controlled by the selection criteria, :SELE. The available options, in addition to those on the &REP_SELECT command are:




     -FORCE, FORCE_NAME(1), ....., FORCE_NAME(n)

Here, FORCE_NAME(i) is a selector which selects forces from the list: WEIGHT, CONTENTS, BUOYANCY, WIND, WIND, V_DRAG, WAVE, R_DRAG, SLAM, CORIOLIS, W_DRIFT, DEFORMATION, EXTRA, APPLIED, INERTIA, A_INERTIA, C_INERTIA, FLEX_CONNECTORS, RIGID_CONNECTORS, and TOTAL. The meaning of these forces can be found in the section on FORCES.

The reports one receives with this command are usually written to the terminal. If however, one specifies the -HARD option, they will be written to the output file and no information will be received at the terminal. The -BRIEF option limits the scope of a report. The precise effect of -BRIEF depends upon the report being generated. The -PLOT option can only be used for the DG_CONNECTOR, S_ROD, F_ROD, SEA, SEA_SPECTRUM, SEA_TSERIES, or WIND_TSERIES reports. When this option is used the user will be placed in the Disposition Menu so that he can plot the results.

The General Information reports are given via a REP_TYPE of NAMES, NOTE, CURVES, T_CONVOLUTION, F_CONVOLUTION, PARAMETER, SIZE, PROCESS or SN. The first of these will produce a list of things names which can be used with &NAMES and a description of them. The second of these produces a list of database names and the notes one has associated with them. For this type, one can use the option


to select only names in selected categories. For example:


will produce only a list of compartments and their notes. CURVES, T_CONVOLUTION, and F_CONVOLUTION, produce information about curves or convolutions. All three of these types honor the :SELE variable which defines the names for which a status will be produced. All three honor the -PLOT option so that the data results can be plotted. T_CONVOLUTION, will give the status of the time convolution for selected names and F_CONVOLUTION will produce information about the Fourier Transform of the time convolution. If :SELE is a body name, the results are for the convolution associated with that body. PARAMETER simply reports some of the values set with the &PARAMETER command. SIZE produces a report of the number of various things in the model. PROCESS produces the name of the current process and a list of all process names. A REP_TYPE of SN provides a report of the defined SN curves.

System Information status is obtained via a REP_TYPE of B_W, FORCE, CONFIGURATION, BODY, DRAFT, B_MATRIX, A_MATRIX, D_MATRIX, or MOTION. The first of these, B_W, contains the weights acting on each body, the buoyancy, the radii of gyration, and perhaps the metacentric heights. The last of these are reported only if they are meaningful; i.e. the weight is within one percent of the buoyancy. Detailed information about the forces on bodies can be obtained with FORCE which reports a breakdown of the forces acting on the body due to each class of environment and constraint. CONFIGURATION contains the location of each body in the system, and the total force acting on each body. BODY will produce a report of the body properties set with: the options -D_DMARK, -FM_MORISON, -SPE_MULTIPLIER, -FACT_CONVOLUTION, -PERI_USE, and -WAVE_RUNUP on the &DESCRIBE BODY command. It also lists the current Mean Drift and Pressure names associated with each body. DRAFT will produce a report of the draft readings at the defined draft marks. The B_MATRIX, A_MATRIX, and D_MATRIX, actions produce reports of the weight, apparent, and defined weight matrices respectively. The report MOTION produces the global location of the Interest Points and the "motion" of these points since the last time the &DESCRIBE INTEREST was issued.

Environmental Information status is obtained via a REP_TYPE of ENVIRONMENT, SEA, SEA_SPECTRUM, SEA_TSERIES, or WIND_TSERIES. All of these except the first two accept the -PLOT option so that the data results can be plotted. The first of these produces various information about the current environment. The type SEA gives statistics and maxima information for the sea and time of the current environment. This is quite useful in checking that the sea has a peak of the desired height within the time sample. In addition to the raw peaks found, the most probable peak for this number of cycles is reported, the ratio of the peak found to that predicted and the number of cycles normally required to produce a peak of this size are reported. The information available for plotting is the sea elevation as a function of time. The SEA_SPECTURM type reports (and allows for the plotting of ) the frequency, period and spectral value of the sea spectrum. The value reported here is the sum of the values over all headings. The value of SEA_TSERIES reports information about the Fourier Coefficients that will be used to generate the sea in the time domain, and WIND_TSERIES reports similar information for the wind.

Connector Information reports are obtained via a REP_TYPE of F_CONNECTOR, G_CONNECTOR, DG_CONNECTOR, S_ROD, F_ROD, CL_FLEX, F_LWAY, G_LWAY, SPREAD, LINES, PIPE, TIP-HOOK, or ALIAS_NO. The scheme here is that things which begin with a F_ produce reports of forces, those with a G_ produce geometry, those with a S_ produce stresses, and those with a DG_ produce detailed geometry. What follows the _ defines the type of connector for which results will be reported: CONNECTOR - normal connectors, ROD - rod connectors, LWAY - launch way connectors. Thus F_LWAY and F_CONNECTOR produce reports of the forces which currently act in the launchways and connectors respectively, while G_LWAY and G_CONNECTOR produce reports on the geometries of the same quantities. The commands: DG_CONNECTOR, S_ROD, and F_ROD for detailed geometry honor the value :SELE and the -PLOT option. Here, :SELE should select only a single connector. If more are selected, an error will be reported and only the first will be used.

The last of these reports do not follow the convention. A type of SPREAD provides a report of the flexible connector types ROD, B_CAT, H_CAT, SL_ELEM, and TUG_BOAT. This report includes a basic summary for a mooring spread, including connector forces and local and global headings of the connectors. The LINES type produces a report about the B_CAT connectors which include: the horizontal distance between the fairlead and anchor, the length of the first segment, the line on bottom, the tension and ratio at the top, and the horizontal and vertical pull on the anchor. The DG_CONNECTOR type produces a detailed report of the geometry of the connectors selected by :SELE. A type of CL_FLEX produces a report of the data for the classes of the flexible connectors, and a type of TIP-HOOK produces a report detailing the geometry of the boom tip and hook during an upending simulation. PIPE reports the active length, tension in the tensioner, and tensioner limits for a pipe assembly, PILE produces a summary of the soil and the multipliers associated with each pile, and finally the report obtained with ALIAS_NODE is a list of all pairs of nodes and their alias.

Compartment Information reports are obtained via a REP_TYPE of PIECES, COMPARTMENT, CG_COMPARTMENT, or S_COMPARTMENT. The first of these produces information about the pieces which comprise the compartment. The remainder deal with exterior compartments. The first of these produces: the type of filling, the specific gravity of the contents, the maximum and current amounts of ballast, and the minimum, maximum, current percentages full, and the sounding. The next produces the type of filling, the current weight, current percent full, sounding, the CG, and the CG derivative with respect to angle change. Finally, S_COMPARTMENT produces a report of the location of the sounding tube.

Compartment Hole Information reports are obtained via a REP_TYPE of V_HOLE, P_HOLE, WT_DOWN, or NWT_DOWN. The V_HOLE produces a report of the valve data for the compartment, while P_HOLE produces differential head and pressure data. The WT_DOWN and NWT_DOWN REP_TYPEs produce a report of the current heights of the weather tight or non weather tight down-flooding points.

Load Group Information is obtained via a REP_TYPE of M_LOADG or F_LOADG. The reports obtained with M_LOADG give the values of the multipliers currently being used for each load group. F_LOADG gives more localized information. Here a breakdown of the force acting on the element or load groups selected by :SELE is reported. The option -FORCE can be used to select the types of force reported. If -FORCE is not specified, then only the total will be reported.

Category and Load Set Information is obtained via a REP_TYPE of M_CATEGORY, M_LSET, CATEGORY, or D_CATEGORY. The reports obtained with the first two of these simply list the current value of multipliers for Categories and Load Sets respectively. CATEGORY yields a report of the weight and buoyancy multipliers, the weight, center of gravity, and buoyancy for each category. Finally, D_CATEGORY gives the weight and buoyancy multipliers, the weight and the description of each category.

Element Information is obtained via a REP_TYPE of ELEMENT or F_ELEMENT. The report obtained with REP_TYPE of ELEMENT gives a list of the currently selected elements, and consists of the name of the element, its class, and a list of the nodes at its vertices. The list of currently selected elements is controlled by the options of the &REP_SELECT command. Here, for an element to be selected, its class must match the class selector, the element name itself must match the element selector, and the nodes at the vertices must match the node selectors. If an option of -BRIEF is used for elements, then only the element names will be displayed. F_ELEMENT gives a breakdown of the force acting on the elements selected by :SELE. The option -FORCE can be used to select the types of force reported. If -FORCE is not specified, then only the total will be reported.

Map Information is obtained via a REP_TYPE of MAP or N_MAP. MAP produces a list of the load map names, the part to which the map applies, and the point selectors of the map. N_MAP provides the same information except that the point selectors are replaced with the structural nodes actually selected. Both of these types accept the -MAP option of the &REP_SELECT command. If this option is used, only the maps selected will be printed.

Structural Solution Information is obtained via a REP_TYPE of S_CASE, R_CASE, or AMOD. AMOD yields a status of the current allowable stress modifiers, S_CASE yields all available cases to post-process, and R_CASE yields a status of the currently defined R_CASE cases. The report obtained with R_CASE lists the names of the cases, and the constituents of each case. If the -BRIEF option is used, then only the names of the cases will be displayed.