Reporting, Viewing and Storing Data - Reporting, Viewing and Storing Data

Three commands are available which allow one to select portions of the data and write it to a post-processing file, an output file, or to the screen.

There are several options which can be used on more than one command:








They will be defined here and then listed for the commands for which they are applicable.

By default, the results for commands that produce reports (except for the REPORT command discussed above) is to write the results to the terminal. The -HARD option instructs MOSES to produce a report on the OUTPUT channel and the -BOTH option writes the results to both the OUTPUT channel and the terminal. When these reports are written, they have a single line generic heading. The -HEADING allows one to replace the generic heading with one you specify. You can specify as many of these options as you wish. The will appear on the page in the order you specify them.

The -RECORD and -VALUES options defines the records which will be considered. Here, a "RECORD" is simply a row of the matrix of data. With the -RECORD option the beginning and end record numbers are simply specified. With -VALUES the records considered are defined with the values of a column of data. Here CV is the column number for which the values will be obtained and VAL_MIN and VAL_MAX are two numbers (VAL_MIN is less than VAL_MAX). BEG_REC is then the largest record number which the values of column CV is less than or equal VAL_MIN and END_REC is the greatest record number where the value of this column is greater than VAL_MAX. If neither -VALUES nor -RECORD are specified, all records will be considered.

The -MAG_USE option instructs MOSES to add a second heading line based on the definition of magnitude defined with the -MAG_DEFINE option. The -FIGURES option offers a way to change the display of the numbers. It says to change the number of figures after the decimal point for columns selected by COL_SEL to be RIGHT figures. You can specify more that one -FIGURES option.

Perhaps the easiest command to explain is the REPORT command, which produces a formatted output file report. The format of this command is:


The form of the REPORT command depends upon the original command that placed the user here. Often only REPORT is necessary. Some original commands allow for data and options to be specified on the REPORT command. These details will be discussed with the original command.

The next of these is:

     VIEW, CS(1), CS(2), .....  -OPTIONS

and the available options are:







This command offers the user the opportunity to view the selected data at the terminal, or, if the -HARD option is specified, the results will be written to the output file. The data viewed is defined by the column selectors CS(1), CS(2),.. If no column selectors are specified, MOSES will prompt the user for all required data.

The STORE command is used to store the selected data in a "table". The result here is much the same as what you get in the &TABLE menu, i.e. either a CSV or HTML table. The format of the command is:

     STORE,  CS(1), CS(2), .....  -OPTIONS

and the available options are:





     -TITLE, NCOL(1), CT(1), .... NCOL(n), CT(n)

     -H_SKIP, YES_NO

     -BOLD, YES_NO


     -EXTR_SHADE, COL_SEL(1), COL_SEL(2), .....

     -V_LINES, COL_SEL(1), COL_SEL(2), .....

with the exception of -RECORD and -MAG_USE these option work exactly as documented with &TABLE.