This is an example of the use of the automatic installation macro system supplied in the tools directory to analyze the loadout, transportation, launch and upend of a typical jacket in one MOSES run. The advantages to this method include an automatically generated report, and one code check for all the load cases produced for these simulations. The installation tools are presented here. These files are further discussed as part of the workbook A Gentle Introduction to MOSES.
This is an example of the use of the automatic installation macro system supplied in the tools directory to analyze the lifting of a deck.
This is an example of a jacket being lowered into the water and then upended. During the lowering process, a frequency domain analysis is performed to examine the effect of a small seastate on the sling tensions. A structural analysis of the lowering, frequency domain, and the upending is performed.
This sample illustrates a two block upending of a tripod. The legs of the tripod are flooded, so it never floats freely. The structure is side lifted and then rotated to vertical by altering the load in the side lift slings and the upend slings simultaneously.
Docking of a jacket to a pile is shown in this example, with the intent of finding docking forces on the pile. This sample is relatively complete, including a derrick barge with spread mooring, sling assemblies to the jacket and P-Y curves for the stiffness of the pile.
This is a basic hydrostatic example for computing hydrostatics and ballasting of a barge. The data set has complete compartmentation and load groups defined so that it could be used for a jacket loadout. The macro "rep_sum" in the data file will create figures showing which compartments were ballasted or deballasted for the steps shown.
Here, a basic float-off is analyzed. This simulates a buoy floating off the AMT-Carrier barge. The simulation begins with the buoy sitting on top of the barge near the bow section. The barge is partially submerged by flooding the bow and midship compartments. After the simulation some post-processing is done.
This set of files is part of a series of files that are discussed in the workbook. A Gentle Introduction to MOSES. This set set of files corresponds to the automated tools.
This set of files is part of a series of files that are discussed in the workbook. A Gentle Introduction to MOSES. This set of files corresponds to the native commands.
This set of files is part of a series of files that are discussed in the workbook. A Gentle Introduction to MOSES. This set of files corresponds to the exercise in the workbook.