Rev 4.26 is a minor release, but the release numbering scheme and the produce directory have been changed. In the past, the first digit past the decimal was a minor release number. This scheme is somewhat limiting, so with this release, the number will contain two decimals. The first number is the "generation" number, the second is the release number within the generation, and the third number is the "fix" number. Since we are currently on the fourth generation of Ultramarine software, the generation number is 4. Accordingly, there have been 25 previous releases of this generation, so the release number is 26. The last three digits are the number of fixes which have been made to this release.
In the product directory (the directory where the software is installed), we have now included a subdirectory "tools". Here, several useful tools have been provided. Feel free to look around in this directory. Most of the tools provided are documented with comments. Also, a samples directory, MAC_USE, is provided which use many of these tools and provide examples of precisely how they are utilized.
Many of the string functions have been changed, and new functionality added. In particular, &FORMAT now has new options for converting strings as well as numbers, and several other string functions have changed significantly. &NODE now takes options: COORDINATES, D_NODE, EULER_ANG, N_2NODES N_BOX, RATIO, HOOK_LOC, and OFFSET. The old string functions &D_NODE, &EULERANG, &N_2NODE, &HOOKLOC, and &OFFSET are now obsolete. A new string function &ELEMENT was created which has options ENDS, CLASS, OD_T, RATIO, LENGTH, and EN_NODES. This function replaces the old functions &EL_ENDS, and &EN_NODES which are now obsolete. Also, &SET_VAR has been changed to &SET. With all of these changes, upward compatibility has been provided, so existing macros and command files will still function.
The STRUDL converter has been completely rewritten. It now will convert many more models than it did in the past.
The PICTURE command now can restrict a plot based on ratio, and it is now possible to annotate a plot with only node names. A new type of stress concentration factor, MARSHALL, has been provided, and a new option -FACT_CONV has been added to the TDOM command. This new option allows one to specify a fraction of the convolution which will be applied to a body. Finally, two option were added to the &D_GENE command which allow one to enter the menu more than once and to preserve the data for a table of contents, page numbers, etc.