WELCOME TO MOSES Rev devlop ============================ This Program is licensed for the exclusive use of Ultramarine inc. Copying of this program or use by anyone other than an employee of the above firm without written consent of Ultramarine is strictly prohibited. +++ M A I N +++ =============== >&dimen -dimen feet kips >inmodel Time To perform Inmodel : CP= 0.08 >&instate -con 10 >&weight -compute temp 0. >&data env +++ & D A T A +++ ================= >env seahar -sea regular 0 0.0001 8.05 -time 8.06 .01 >env hogsag -sea regular 0 10. 8.05 -time 8.06 .01 >env ss0390 -sea issc 90 9. 8.114 -time 10 1 >env ss1090 -sea issc 90 26. 11.403 -use_mean yes >end_&data +++ M A I N +++ =============== >hydro +++ H Y D R O _ D Y N A M I C S +++ =================================== >g_press -heading 0 45 90 -period 5 10 15 20 25 30 Setting Pressure Name for TEMP to TEMP ====================================== Time for Strip Theory For TEMP : CP= 0.01 Setting Drift Name for TEMP to TEMP =================================== Time to Sum Pressures For 45 Panels on TEMP : CP= 0.00 Time To Set Up Convolution For TEMP : CP= 0.01 >end +++ M A I N +++ =============== >freq_resp +++ F R E Q U E N C Y R E S P O N S E +++ =========================================== >rao Time To Compute RAOs : CP= 0.01 >end +++ M A I N +++ =============== >struc +++ S T R U C T U R A L S O L U T I O N +++ ============================================= >lcase -rao -note Rao Load Cases -tag load_case Time To Generate Load Cases : CP= 0.02 >s_rest ~supo >ssolve Reducing Stiffness of DEFAULT ============================= Time to Define Model Topology : CP= 0.00 Time to Complete Nodal Loads : CP= 0.01 Time to Define Stiffness Blocks : CP= 0.00 Time to Form Element Matricies : CP= 0.00 Time to Form Global Stiffness Matrix : CP= 0.01 Time to Form Global Load Matrix : CP= 0.00 Time to Factor Stiffness Matrix : CP= 0.00 Expanding Results of DEFAULT ============================ Time For Backward Substitution : CP= 0.00 Time to Store Deflections : CP= 0.00 Time to Store Element Internal Loads : CP= 0.00 >end +++ M A I N +++ =============== >&set vel = 6*1.689 >&set tim = 5.184E6 >&set len = 5.253465E7 >&data duration tow -velocity 6*1.689 +++ & D A T A +++ ================= ?0.03 -sea issc 00 22. 10.317 ?0.03 -sea issc 00 26. 11.403 ?0.03 -sea issc 90 22. 10.317 ?0.03 -sea issc 90 26. 11.403 ?0.06 -sea issc 45 22. 10.317 ?0.06 -sea issc 45 26. 11.403 ?0.07 -sea issc 00 19. 10.317 ?0.08 -sea issc 90 19. 10.317 ?0.10 -sea issc 00 17. 10.317 ?0.12 -sea issc 90 17. 10.317 ?0.16 -sea issc 45 19. 10.317 ?0.18 -sea issc 00 15. 9.541 ?0.22 -sea issc 90 15. 9.541 ?0.25 -sea issc 45 17. 10.317 ?0.42 -sea issc 00 13. 8.990 ?0.44 -sea issc 45 15. 9.541 ?0.50 -sea issc 90 13. 8.990 ?0.77 -sea issc 00 11. 8.560 ?0.91 -sea issc 90 11. 8.560 ?1.01 -sea issc 45 13. 8.990 ?1.50 -sea issc 00 9. 8.114 ?1.78 -sea issc 90 9. 8.114 ?1.86 -sea issc 45 11. 8.560 ?3.63 -sea issc 45 9. 8.114 ?4.54 -sea issc 00 2. 7.866 ?5.38 -sea issc 00 6. 7.400 ?5.40 -sea issc 90 2. 7.866 ?6.39 -sea issc 90 6. 7.490 ?11.01 -sea issc 45 2. 7.866 ?13.03 -sea issc 45 6. 7.445 ?end +++ M A I N +++ =============== >strpost +++ S T R U C T U R A L P O S T - P R O C E S S I N G +++ =========================================================== >cases -fatigue tow Duration 30 59.99 5.25259E7 10.134 c_Duration TOW >&rep_sel -sn Ray 400 5.25e3 375 6.77e3 350 7.84e3 325 9.79e3 \ 300 1.24e4 275 1.61e4 250 2.15e4 225 2.95e4 200 4.20e4 \ 175 6.27e4 150 9.96e4 125 1.72e5 100 3.36e5 75 7.97e5 \ 50 2.69e6 40 5.25e6 32.45 9.84e6 -s_imp 1.4 >cases -time seahar harbour 4.03 -note Harbor Condition -tag load_case >cases -time hogsag hog 4.03 -note Hog Condition -tag load_case >cases -time hogsag sag 8.05 -note Sag Condition -tag load_case >cases -combine nethog harbour -1 hog 1 -note Net Hog -tag load_case >cases -combine netsag harbour -1 sag 1 -note Net Sag -tag load_case >cases -time ss0390 t1 1 -note Time 1 -tag load_case >cases -time ss0390 t2 2 -note Time 2 -tag load_case >cases -time ss0390 t3 3 -note Time 3 -tag load_case >cases -time ss0390 t4 4 -note Time 4 -tag load_case >cases -time ss0390 t5 5 -note Time 5 -tag load_case >cases -time ss0390 t6 6 -note Time 6 -tag load_case >cases -time ss0390 t7 7 -note Time 7 -tag load_case >cases -time ss0390 t8 8 -note Time 8 -tag load_case >cases -time ss0390 t9 9 -note Time 9 -tag load_case >cases -spect ss1090 -note spectral case -tag load_case >&status note +++ D E S C R I P T I O N O F C A T E G O R I E S +++ ========================================================= Name Tag /---------------------- Description ---------------------/ EXTRAS EXTRAS Additional Things STR_MODE STR_MODE Structural Elements +++ D E S C R I P T I O N O F E N V I R O N M E N T S +++ ============================================================= Name Tag /---------------------- Description ---------------------/ SS1090 load_cas spectral case +++ DESCRIPTION OF STRUCTURAL REPORT CASES +++ ============================================== Name Tag /---------------------- Description ---------------------/ FRQMEANA load_cas Rao Load Cases HARBOUR load_cas Harbor Condition HOG load_cas Hog Condition NETHOG load_cas Net Hog NETSAG load_cas Net Sag SAG load_cas Sag Condition SS1090 load_cas spectral case T1 load_cas Time 1 T2 load_cas Time 2 T3 load_cas Time 3 T4 load_cas Time 4 T5 load_cas Time 5 T6 load_cas Time 6 T7 load_cas Time 7 T8 load_cas Time 8 T9 load_cas Time 9 +++ DESCRIPTION OF STRUCTURAL SOLUTION CASE +++ =============================================== Name Tag /---------------------- Description ---------------------/ FRQMEANA load_cas Rao Load Cases >&status n_map +++ M A P N O D E S +++ ========================= Name Part Node Node Node Node -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- DFWT0001 TEMP *1 *2 *3 *4 HS#00001 TEMP *1 HS#00002 TEMP *1 *2 HS#00003 TEMP *1 *2 HS#00004 TEMP *1 *2 HS#00005 TEMP *1 *2 HS#00006 TEMP *1 *2 HS#00007 TEMP *1 *2 HS#00008 TEMP *2 *3 HS#00009 TEMP *2 *3 HS#00010 TEMP *2 *3 HS#00011 TEMP *2 *3 HS#00012 TEMP *2 *3 HS#00013 TEMP *2 *3 HS#00014 TEMP *3 PLA|0004 TEMP *1 *2 *4 S001#001 TEMP *1 S001#002 TEMP *1 S001#003 TEMP *1 S001#004 TEMP *1 S001#005 TEMP *1 S001#006 TEMP *1 S001#LON TEMP *1 S002#001 TEMP *2 S002#002 TEMP *2 S002#003 TEMP *2 S002#004 TEMP *2 S002#005 TEMP *2 S002#006 TEMP *2 S002#LON TEMP *2 S003#001 TEMP *3 S003#002 TEMP *3 S003#003 TEMP *3 S003#004 TEMP *3 S003#005 TEMP *3 S003#006 TEMP *3 S003#LON TEMP *3 TEMP TEMP *1 *2 *3 *4 TSTBEAM TEMP *2 *4 TUBE|002 TEMP *1 *2 TUBE|003 TEMP *2 *3 >joint displ -load net@ -file yes >joint crush -load :check -detail -summary -file yes >joint fat -durat tow -stand -sn xp -csrv no -file yes Joint Fat *2 74.32414 1 >joint code -load :check -detail -summary -file yes Joint Code *2 9.445121 1 SS1090 >beam loads code -load net@ -file yes -b_load Beam Code TSTBEAM 9999 3 NETHOG 0 -14.33281 -197.832 -1.915564E-4 0 \ 3.831093E-2 -3.956608E4 Beam load TUBE|002 161.1861 0 NETSAG 161.1861 -2.986252E-5 -1068.66 \ -2.149116E-3 69.14519 6.059482E-4 >&select :check -s net@ ss1090 >beam code -load :check -summary -file yes Beam Code TSTBEAM 9999 6 NETHOG 0 -14.33281 -197.832 -1.915564E-4 0 \ 3.831093E-2 -3.956608E4 >beam fat -element tstbeam -summary -standard -file yes >beam count -element tstbeam -s_bins 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 50 60 70 80 90 \ 100 120 -file yes >f_rao -element @ -Class @ -detail -standar -summ -file yes Beam Fat TSTBEAM 17.65115 1 >&set von = -cdr_von no >plate -cdr_von no -eleme @ -s_bins 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 \ 120 800 -stand -file yes Plate Fat PLA|0004 44.45567 2 Plate Load TUBE|002 161.1861 0 NETSAG 161.1861 -2.986252E-5 -1068.66 \ -2.149116E-3 69.14519 6.059482E-4 >&names duration +++ D U R A T I O N S +++ ========================= TOW >&names sn +++ S N C U R V E S +++ ========================= API_CHAI API_CJ API_CJG API_CJP API_WIRE API_WJ API_WJG API_WJG_ API_WJP API_WJP_ API_WJ_W API_X API_XP AWSE AWS_E B1 B1_WET B2 B2_WET C C1 C1_WET C2 C2_WET CHAIN C_WET D DNV_B1 DNV_B1_W DNV_B2 DNV_B2_W DNV_C DNV_C1 DNV_C1_W DNV_C2 DNV_C2_W DNV_C_WE DNV_D DNV_D_WE DNV_E DNV_E_WE DNV_F DNV_F1 DNV_F1_W DNV_F3 DNV_F3_W DNV_F_WE DNV_G DNV_G_WE DNV_T DNV_T_WE DNV_W1 DNV_W1_W DNV_W2 DNV_W2_W DNV_W3 DNV_W3_W D_WET E E_WET F F1 F1_WET F3 F3_WET F_WET G G_WET HSE_TP RAY T TP T_WET W W1 W1_WET W2 W2_WET W3 W3_WET WIRE X XP >&names selec +++ S E L E C T I O N C R I T E R I A +++ =========================================== :CHECK >&names env +++ E N V I R O N M E N T S +++ =============================== HOGSAG NONAME SEAHAR SS0390 SS1090 >&names macros +++ M A C R O S +++ =================== &PATH BODSOLVE B_SOLVE DLOAD_AL EQU_SUM EXPAND EXP_ALOA FP_STD GEOM_SUM HYDR_SUM INMODEL KG_ALLOW LAUP_STD MODES SLING SSOLVE STAB_OK STP_STD TOWSOLVE USE_MAC USE_VES >&names names +++ N A M E S +++ ================= BODIES CATEGOR CLASSES COMPARTM CONNECTO CONVOLUT CURVES DMARKS DURATION ELEMENTS ENVIRONM GRIDS HOLES INTEREST IN_BODIE IN_ELEME IN_PARTS LOADGROU LSETS LT_MULT MACROS MAPS MD_NAMES NAMES NG_S_CAS NODES PANELS PARTS PIECES PI_VIEWS POINTS PROCESSE PR_NAMES RODS R_CASES SELECTOR SENSORS SHAPES SN SOILS S_CASES VARIABLE >&status sn +++ S N C U R V E S T A T U S +++ ===================================== Dimensions are Inches and KSI SN SN /---- Thickness Correction ---/ S Improve /--- Curve -----/ Name Type To Exp Max Member Factor S N API_CHAI Tension 0.74 1.00E+03 0.05 1.00E+07 API_CJ Stress 1.500 0.150 999.000 Chord 1.000 89.92 1.00E+04 15.99 1.00E+07 3.91 1.00E+10 API_CJG Stress 1.500 0.150 999.000 Chord 1.000 89.92 1.00E+04 15.99 1.00E+07 3.91 1.00E+10 API_CJP Stress 999.000 0.250 999.000 Chord 1.560 89.92 1.00E+04 15.99 1.00E+07 3.91 1.00E+10 API_WIRE Tension 0.93 1.00E+03 0.10 1.00E+07 API_WJ Stress 0.625 0.250 999.000 Chord 1.000 101.50 1.00E+04 9.71 1.00E+07 2.32 1.00E+10 API_WJG Stress 0.625 0.150 999.000 Chord 1.000 101.50 1.00E+04 9.71 1.00E+07 2.32 1.00E+10 API_WJG_ Stress 0.625 0.150 999.000 Chord 1.000 77.16 1.00E+04 13.92 1.80E+06 2.32 1.00E+10 API_WJP Stress 0.625 0.150 999.000 Chord 1.000 101.50 1.00E+04 9.71 1.00E+07 2.32 1.00E+10 API_WJP_ Stress 0.625 0.150 999.000 Chord 1.000 77.16 1.00E+04 13.92 1.80E+06 2.32 1.00E+10 API_WJ_W Stress 0.625 0.250 999.000 Chord 1.000 77.16 1.00E+04 13.92 1.80E+06 2.32 1.00E+10 API_X Stress 1.000 0.250 1.500 Brace 1.000 48.61 1.00E+04 5.07 2.00E+08 API_XP Stress 999.000 0.250 999.000 Brace 1.000 47.01 1.00E+04 3.33 2.00E+08 AWSE Stress 999.000 0.250 999.000 Chord 1.000 21.00 1.00E+05 5.00 8.00E+06 AWS_E Stress 1.500 0.150 999.000 Chord 1.000 21.00 1.00E+05 5.00 8.00E+06 B1 Stress 0.984 0.000 999.000 Chord 1.000 87.30 1.00E+04 15.53 1.00E+07 9.79 1.00E+08 B1_WET Stress 0.984 0.000 999.000 Chord 1.000 77.81 1.00E+04 24.60 1.00E+06 9.79 1.00E+08 B2 Stress 0.984 0.000 999.000 Chord 1.000 76.39 1.00E+04 13.58 1.00E+07 8.57 1.00E+08 B2_WET Stress 0.984 0.000 999.000 Chord 1.000 68.08 1.00E+04 21.53 1.00E+06 8.57 1.00E+08 C Stress 0.984 0.150 999.000 Chord 1.000 106.11 1.00E+04 10.61 1.00E+07 6.70 1.00E+08 C1 Stress 0.984 0.150 999.000 Chord 1.000 95.08 1.00E+04 9.51 1.00E+07 6.00 1.00E+08 C1_WET Stress 0.984 0.150 999.000 Chord 1.000 69.95 1.00E+04 15.07 1.00E+06 6.00 1.00E+08 C2 Stress 0.984 0.150 999.000 Chord 1.000 84.87 1.00E+04 8.49 1.00E+07 5.36 1.00E+08 C2_WET Stress 0.984 0.150 999.000 Chord 1.000 62.44 1.00E+04 13.45 1.00E+06 5.36 1.00E+08 CHAIN Tension 0.74 1.00E+03 0.05 1.00E+07 C_WET Stress 0.984 0.150 999.000 Chord 1.000 78.06 1.00E+04 16.82 1.00E+06 6.70 1.00E+08 D Stress 0.984 0.200 999.000 Chord 1.000 76.40 1.00E+04 7.64 1.00E+07 4.82 1.00E+08 DNV_B1 Stress 0.984 0.000 999.000 Chord 1.000 87.30 1.00E+04 15.53 1.00E+07 9.79 1.00E+08 DNV_B1_W Stress 0.984 0.000 999.000 Chord 1.000 77.81 1.00E+04 24.60 1.00E+06 9.79 1.00E+08 DNV_B2 Stress 0.984 0.000 999.000 Chord 1.000 76.39 1.00E+04 13.58 1.00E+07 8.57 1.00E+08 DNV_B2_W Stress 0.984 0.000 999.000 Chord 1.000 68.08 1.00E+04 21.53 1.00E+06 8.57 1.00E+08 DNV_C Stress 0.984 0.150 999.000 Chord 1.000 106.11 1.00E+04 10.61 1.00E+07 6.70 1.00E+08 DNV_C1 Stress 0.984 0.150 999.000 Chord 1.000 95.08 1.00E+04 9.51 1.00E+07 6.00 1.00E+08 DNV_C1_W Stress 0.984 0.150 999.000 Chord 1.000 69.95 1.00E+04 15.07 1.00E+06 6.00 1.00E+08 DNV_C2 Stress 0.984 0.150 999.000 Chord 1.000 84.87 1.00E+04 8.49 1.00E+07 5.36 1.00E+08 DNV_C2_W Stress 0.984 0.150 999.000 Chord 1.000 62.44 1.00E+04 13.45 1.00E+06 5.36 1.00E+08 DNV_C_WE Stress 0.984 0.150 999.000 Chord 1.000 78.06 1.00E+04 16.82 1.00E+06 6.70 1.00E+08 DNV_D Stress 0.984 0.200 999.000 Chord 1.000 76.40 1.00E+04 7.64 1.00E+07 4.82 1.00E+08 DNV_D_WE Stress 0.984 0.200 999.000 Chord 1.000 56.21 1.00E+04 12.11 1.00E+06 4.82 1.00E+08 DNV_E Stress 0.984 0.200 999.000 Chord 1.000 67.89 1.00E+04 6.79 1.00E+07 4.28 1.00E+08 DNV_E_WE Stress 0.984 0.200 999.000 Chord 1.000 49.94 1.00E+04 10.76 1.00E+06 4.28 1.00E+08 DNV_F Stress 0.984 0.250 999.000 Chord 1.000 60.27 1.00E+04 6.03 1.00E+07 3.80 1.00E+08 DNV_F1 Stress 0.984 0.250 999.000 Chord 1.000 53.47 1.00E+04 5.35 1.00E+07 3.37 1.00E+08 DNV_F1_W Stress 0.984 0.250 999.000 Chord 1.000 39.33 1.00E+04 8.47 1.00E+06 3.37 1.00E+08 DNV_F3 Stress 0.984 0.250 999.000 Chord 1.000 47.55 1.00E+04 4.75 1.00E+07 3.00 1.00E+08 DNV_F3_W Stress 0.984 0.250 999.000 Chord 1.000 34.98 1.00E+04 7.54 1.00E+06 3.00 1.00E+08 DNV_F_WE Stress 0.984 0.250 999.000 Chord 1.000 44.34 1.00E+04 9.55 1.00E+06 3.80 1.00E+08 DNV_G Stress 0.984 0.250 999.000 Chord 1.000 42.44 1.00E+04 4.24 1.00E+07 2.68 1.00E+08 DNV_G_WE Stress 0.984 0.250 999.000 Chord 1.000 31.22 1.00E+04 6.73 1.00E+06 2.68 1.00E+08 DNV_T Stress 999.000 0.250 999.000 Chord 1.000 76.40 1.00E+04 7.64 1.00E+07 4.82 1.00E+08 DNV_T_WE Stress 1.260 0.250 999.000 Chord 1.000 56.21 1.00E+04 12.11 1.00E+06 4.82 1.00E+08 DNV_W1 Stress 0.984 0.250 999.000 Chord 1.000 38.20 1.00E+04 3.82 1.00E+07 2.41 1.00E+08 DNV_W1_W Stress 0.984 0.250 999.000 Chord 1.000 28.10 1.00E+04 6.06 1.00E+06 2.41 1.00E+08 DNV_W2 Stress 0.984 0.250 999.000 Chord 1.000 33.94 1.00E+04 3.39 1.00E+07 2.14 1.00E+08 DNV_W2_W Stress 0.984 0.250 999.000 Chord 1.000 24.97 1.00E+04 5.38 1.00E+06 2.14 1.00E+08 DNV_W3 Stress 0.984 0.250 999.000 Chord 1.000 30.56 1.00E+04 3.06 1.00E+07 1.93 1.00E+08 DNV_W3_W Stress 0.984 0.250 999.000 Chord 1.000 22.48 1.00E+04 4.84 1.00E+06 1.93 1.00E+08 D_WET Stress 0.984 0.200 999.000 Chord 1.000 56.21 1.00E+04 12.11 1.00E+06 4.82 1.00E+08 E Stress 0.984 0.200 999.000 Chord 1.000 67.89 1.00E+04 6.79 1.00E+07 4.28 1.00E+08 E_WET Stress 0.984 0.200 999.000 Chord 1.000 49.94 1.00E+04 10.76 1.00E+06 4.28 1.00E+08 F Stress 0.984 0.250 999.000 Chord 1.000 60.27 1.00E+04 6.03 1.00E+07 3.80 1.00E+08 F1 Stress 0.984 0.250 999.000 Chord 1.000 53.47 1.00E+04 5.35 1.00E+07 3.37 1.00E+08 F1_WET Stress 0.984 0.250 999.000 Chord 1.000 39.33 1.00E+04 8.47 1.00E+06 3.37 1.00E+08 F3 Stress 0.984 0.250 999.000 Chord 1.000 47.55 1.00E+04 4.75 1.00E+07 3.00 1.00E+08 F3_WET Stress 0.984 0.250 999.000 Chord 1.000 34.98 1.00E+04 7.54 1.00E+06 3.00 1.00E+08 F_WET Stress 0.984 0.250 999.000 Chord 1.000 44.34 1.00E+04 9.55 1.00E+06 3.80 1.00E+08 G Stress 0.984 0.250 999.000 Chord 1.000 42.44 1.00E+04 4.24 1.00E+07 2.68 1.00E+08 G_WET Stress 0.984 0.250 999.000 Chord 1.000 31.22 1.00E+04 6.73 1.00E+06 2.68 1.00E+08 HSE_TP Stress 0.500 0.300 999.000 Chord 1.000 96.96 1.00E+04 9.72 1.00E+07 5.22 2.00E+08 RAY Stress 999.000 0.250 999.000 Chord 1.400 400.00 5.25E+03 375.00 6.77E+03 350.00 7.84E+03 325.00 9.79E+03 300.00 1.24E+04 275.00 1.61E+04 250.00 2.15E+04 225.00 2.95E+04 200.00 4.20E+04 175.00 6.27E+04 150.00 9.96E+04 125.00 1.72E+05 100.00 3.36E+05 75.00 7.97E+05 50.00 2.69E+06 40.00 5.25E+06 32.45 9.84E+06 T Stress 999.000 0.250 999.000 Chord 1.000 76.40 1.00E+04 7.64 1.00E+07 4.82 1.00E+08 TP Stress 0.500 0.300 999.000 Chord 1.000 96.96 1.00E+04 9.72 1.00E+07 5.22 2.00E+08 T_WET Stress 1.260 0.250 999.000 Chord 1.000 56.21 1.00E+04 12.11 1.00E+06 4.82 1.00E+08 W Stress 0.865 0.250 999.000 Chord 1.000 36.31 1.00E+04 3.63 1.00E+07 2.30 1.00E+08 W1 Stress 0.984 0.250 999.000 Chord 1.000 38.20 1.00E+04 3.82 1.00E+07 2.41 1.00E+08 W1_WET Stress 0.984 0.250 999.000 Chord 1.000 28.10 1.00E+04 6.06 1.00E+06 2.41 1.00E+08 W2 Stress 0.984 0.250 999.000 Chord 1.000 33.94 1.00E+04 3.39 1.00E+07 2.14 1.00E+08 W2_WET Stress 0.984 0.250 999.000 Chord 1.000 24.97 1.00E+04 5.38 1.00E+06 2.14 1.00E+08 W3 Stress 0.984 0.250 999.000 Chord 1.000 30.56 1.00E+04 3.06 1.00E+07 1.93 1.00E+08 W3_WET Stress 0.984 0.250 999.000 Chord 1.000 22.48 1.00E+04 4.84 1.00E+06 1.93 1.00E+08 WIRE Tension 0.93 1.00E+03 0.10 1.00E+07 X Stress 1.000 0.250 1.500 Brace 1.000 48.61 1.00E+04 5.07 2.00E+08 XP Stress 999.000 0.250 999.000 Brace 1.000 47.01 1.00E+04 3.33 2.00E+08 MOSES Finished Normally ========================= CP Time 0.30 ======================== Total Units 0.30 ========================