Frequency Domain Transportation Solution - Frequency Domain Transportation Solution

If one wishes to investigate the frequency domain behavior of a structure being towed on a vessel, MOSES provides an easy method to obtain the solution. To fully utilize this command, however, one should have created a model consisting of a single body with a part named jacket and connected this part to the vessel with transportation connectors. In this case, one does not need to worry about defining load cases, selecting parts, etc., but he simply issues a single command:


and the options will define the type of solution desired. The available options are:



     -TIME, SEANAME, CASE(1), T(1), CASE(2), T(2), ..., \
     CASE(i), T(i)

The -RIGID option is used to select only the jacket for structural analysis, and to support it on a rigid vessel. If omitted, all of the structural model will be used. The -GAP option is used to select a nonlinear structural connection between the vessel and jacket instead of a linear one. If this option is selected, the -TIME option should also be selected. This option is used to select a time domain solution of the structural system. Here, SEANAME, is the name of a seastate which was previously defined by a &ENV command, CASE(i) is the name which the user wishes to give to the case, and T(i) is the time at which the loads will be combined to produce the "snapshot". If this option is omitted, the solution will be in the frequency domain.