Obtaining the Results for a Pile - Ultramarine.com Obtaining the Results for a Pile

To aid in designing or checking a pile, MOSES has the command:


where the options are

     -FORCE, FX, FY, FZ, MX, MY, MZ


When this command is issued, MOSES will take the pile defined by PILE_NAME and apply either a force or a displacement at the top of the pile. A force is specified by the -FORCE option where forces and moments are specified in the global coordinates in bforce and bforce-blength. An imposed displacement is specified via the -DISPLACEMENT option and is defined in the global system (inches or mm and deg.).

When this command is issued, MOSES will iterate a solution for the pile with the conditions specified. At the conclusion of the computation, the user is placed in the Disposition Menu where he may dispose of the results as he sees fit. When reporting these results, three different reports are available: LOCATION, FORCE, and STRESS.